Market forces
Pre-fabricated fast-track low-cost workspace, Dalston, London
To propose a speedy revenue generating use, this project was commissioned by the London Borough of Hackney to devise a range of options for low-cost studio and office accommodation on this underused but vital Ridley Road Market service and storage site behind Kingsland High Street, in Dalston’s town centre.
Along with Container City, SCABAL designed feasibility options of up to three stories to provide workspace accommodation up to 51,000 sq ft to be set over the existing and continuing market facilities. The proposed building modules are positioned diagonally across the site to maximise and extend views from the studio office windows and to create a syncopated rhythmic response to the existing back-yard orthogonal streetscape.
Being multi-use the building is articulated horizontally as well as vertically and the roof incorporates potential terraced relaxation areas along with space for PV arrays.
Service: Architects
Location: Dalston, London
Client: Hackney Council, Container City
Cost: Undisclosed
Areas: XX m2
Dates: 2005
To Live In To Learn In To Work In To Play In