Greenwich Playhouse
Thespian stairway
New theatre, Deptford, London
The project’s brief was to assist restarting the Greenwich Playhouse in a new purpose-built circa 120 seat theatre installation with associated back & front of house facilities, including drinks bar, small office and complimentary activity space that could support the venue in a new development on Creek Road, Deptford, London.
Small theatres like this one rely on fine margins to keep going. The empty two-storey unit, ground floor and mezzanine, beneath new flats in this changing neighbourhood, though compact, has to be made to work very hard for its living. The demands of theatrical spaces are both straightforward and complex. They must function absolutely whilst maintaining the suspension of disbelief that theatre goers expect. The immersive world occupied by the audience, needs to be adaptable and responsive to different theatrical traditions and quite other to that for use by the players as they step from actor to character.
Service: Feasibility Study
Location: Deptford, London
Client: Galleon Theatre Company
Cost: Undisclosed
Areas: XXm2
Dates: 1996
Contract: TBC
Energy: TBC
To Live In To Learn In To Work In To Play In