Expanded school

Masterplan for the expansion from 1FE to 2FE for St Luke’s CE Primary School, Cubitt Town, London

St Luke’s is an Outstanding one form entry primary school lodged in a 1950s-former secondary school building at the bottom of the Isle of Dogs in London’s E14.

Originally commissioned by the LDBS for submission to Tower Hamlets, our detailed Feasibility Study looked at adding an additional form of entry with the first Reception class arriving in September 2012. In consultation with the school our study tested ten distinct options for expansion to two forms of entry, all designed, costed and carefully phased.

The favourite of these also provides the best value. Giving the necessary balance of new build and refurbishment, it also allows St Luke’s to continue in the original school buildings, then grow into its new accommodation and landscape over six phases.

In spring 2011 a delighted St Luke’s Primary School was chosen by Tower Hamlets for expansion in this way with SCABAL as the architects to completion and the project was completed in November 2013.

Service: Feasibility

Location: Isle of Dogs, London

Client: London Diocesan Board for Schools

Cost: £tbc

Dates: TBC

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