Breakfast Club

Expansion and replacement of existing St Paul’s CE Primary School, Primrose Hill, London

At one form of entry, the much-loved St Paul’s CE Primary School in Primrose Hill is still small. But it’s waiting for new bigger better buildings that can welcome extra children and help to complete the beautiful and popular corner of London where the undulating park tumbles down into the back gardens of smart London villas.

SCABAL’s proposed new multi-storey school sort of recreates a street line while preserving key views through its playgrounds and rooftops from the hill in the park to its church steeple. This design comes about through arrangement and rearrangement of classrooms, group rooms, halls and playgrounds, repeatedly sketched and presented in simple and casual card models, all being set and reset in a base model of the unaffected church and streetscape exquisitely made from corn flakes boxes.  An excellent ulterior motive for eating breakfast.

Service: Architects

Location: Camden, London

Client: St Paul’s Primary School, LDBS, LB Camden, London

Description: New build 2FE

Cost: £xxk

Date: 2005

To Live In   To Learn In   To Work In   To Play In