Harvest time

Makeover and extension to listed house, Surrey

The Harvesters is a Grade 2 listed property very close to the village of Buckland. The site of approximately one acre includes the main house, a quintessential English country garden, a swimming pool and tennis court.

The focus of this design is to bring back a rationale to the organisation of the house.

The additions to the house since the 1960s have significantly altered the ground floor plan of the house and have accreted in an ad hoc manner around the main volume of the 16th century house that makes the internal circulation through the house very difficult and external circulation around the north-west corner of the site impassable.

The day rooms (sitting room, kitchen and conservatory) of the house that currently occupy the assortment of 20th century additions will be brought into greater unity through the new construction while at the same time subordinating them to the main volume of the historical house. This will also have the effect of connecting the landscape in front of the house with the garden and fields behind.

The proposed alterations will not increase the overall volume of the building but create a very liveable modern living space within a wonderful character home.

Service: Architects

Location: XX

Client: XX

Cost: Undisclosed

Areas: XXm2

Dates: XX

Contract: Self-build

Energy: XX

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