Christ Church Spitalfields

300 years and counting

New classroom and refurbishment, Christ Church CE Primary School, Spitalfields

As someone who is passionate about local community being the place where life changing experiences can happen, it has been an immense privilege for me to take part in the intensive discussions about the development of both the school site and the public and community spaces that unify the church and school.

Keziah Man, Parent Governor 19th June 2010

The history of Christ Church Primary School, Spitalfields, is in four stages and relates to three schools: the first school from 1708 and 1782; the second on Red Lion Street is from 1782 to 1851; the third stage is the joining in with the National School between 1851 and 1874; and the fourth stage, and third school, the one we see today on its current site, completed in 1874 designed by James Tolley and Daniel Robert Dale. The school has been extensively remodelled and extended west, adding classroom blocks in the 1940’s and the 1980’s.  Its buildings, its attached front cast iron railings and the stone drinking fountain on Brick Lane are all Grade II listed and lie in the Brick Lane and Fournier Street Conservation Area.

In this first phase, the existing too-small 1FE primary school is sensitively remodelled, restored, made fully accessible and extended to provide a larger main hall, a full-service kitchen, six large classrooms one brand new, three group rooms, meeting rooms, staff rooms, toilets and storage to bring it more into line with Government area guidelines set out in Building Bulletin 99.

Service: Architects

Location: Spitalfields, London

Client: London Diocesan Board for Schools, Christ Church CE Primary School

Cost: £600k

Areas: School extension 110m2, listed primary school 1,100 m2

Dates: Consultation, January 2010, Planning & Listed Building Consent, November 2010, Construction Phase 1 February 2011 – August 2011, Phase 2 June 2012 – September 2012.

Architect: SCABAL [Studio Cullinan And Buck Architects Ltd]

Building Conservation Consultant: Kay Pilsbury Thomas Architects

Quantity Surveyor: Sawyer and Fisher

Structural Engineer: Rodrigues Associates

Archaeology: Museum of London Archaeology

Acoustic Engineer: Gillieron Scott Acoustic Design

Building Services: Pinnacle ESP

Building Control: BBS

CDM: PBS Consulting UK

Arboriculture: Phelps Associates

Main Contractor: Emerson Willis

Photos: SCABAL

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