Village School
Client Advisers for new primary school in Camden, London
It looks excellent and I wanted to thank you for all your work on this.
Sarah Bourne, Camden CSF Head of Property and Contracts on 17.04.12
Thank you for the design brief for Hawley … overall I thought it was one of the best documents I have seen, so well done!!
Mark Kemp Property Strategy and Investment Manager, Camden CSF on 26.04.12
Camden Design Awards 2017: ‘Outstanding Design Award’ WINNER
I am delighted to say that the school building has been judged as the overall winner of the 2017 Camden design awards, winning the ‘outstanding design award’.
It’s wonderful to have external eyes recognising the design of the building. The judges commented on the quality and generosity of the communal spaces, and the central role of the courtyard and the heart space, all features of our brief and design, shaped by extensive consultation with the school community and the opportunity for the school to have strong input into the design process.
I’m sure you will join me in congratulating and thanking our architects and client advisers for their inspired input.
Jane Brett-Jones, Chair of Governors, Hawley Primary School
Hawley Primary School is a brand new 1fe primary school on a new site which has enabled Hawley Infant School to expand to include KS2 pupils, who previously struggled to find places elsewhere. It’s been provided for Camden by developer Stanley Sidings as part of a S.106 agreement for a wider scheme, the Hawley Wharf Redevelopment with SCABAL as Client Adviser championing the school’s requirements at every stage.
SCABAL was initially appointed as Client Advisers to create a brief which would ensure the developer’s architects could engage properly with the school’s users to provide a design which answered the school vision of a Village School in the heart of Camden.
Through meeting regularly with the core school user group we observed the school in action, set up a ‘build your own village school’ stall at the school’s Spring Assembly, attended governors’ meetings and public consultations, interviewed staff and parents and, visited three new primary schools in order to establish key Likes and Dislikes which would inform the brief. The resulting 100-page document graphically illustrates and described both the overarching Vision and also the arrangement and design of each internal and external space.
The brief was very well received with accolades from both the school and Authority as well as from the developer’s architects.
In tandem with the brief we provided advice during the Authority’s simultaneous S.106 negotiations with the developer. SCABAL wrote supporting schedules for the School legal agreement including the Outline Requirements ensuring requirements for the school building were clearly tied in with the brief itself, and Dialogue Requirements which provided clearly defined parameters through which design development process must take place to include and obtain sign off from the school and Authority at each design stage.
Throughout design development SCABAL continued to support the school and Camden CSF in maintaining a client overview to ensure provision of the qualities and organisation required in their brief at the best value for Camden and the developers.
At tender stage, we worked with Camden’s legal team to embed within their Development Agreement with the developer and their design team the greatest possible level of continued input for Camden and the school.
During the construction process, the school moved into their spacious new home in Autumn 2016. Since then we’ve supported Camden to identify and monitor any completion or operational issues so these can be quickly addressed by the developer to ensure the smoothest possible transition for the school.
Service: Client Advisers
Location: Camden, UK
Client: LB Camden, Hawley Infants School
Cost: £tbc
Dates: 2014-2017
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