Salix Farm
Workers’ dwelling
New farmhouse, café and shop, Great Sampford, Essex
Salix Farm extends to 400 acres of owner-occupied land and is the established base for a range of exceptional quality produce, from traditional turkeys to wine from its vineyard, special crops and livestock that require full-time supervision and careful husbandry.
N.S. Lindsell & Sons (established in 1946 by the grandfather, now run by Mike Lindsell and son Mark) is ready to grow these popular and successful elements of the business by both volume and profile, taking on more turkeys and creating a context in which visitors may sometimes be welcomed straight into this picturesque and fascinating world.
Mike and Sue Lindsell live in the main farmhouse and Mike is key to the working life of the farm. As the family business continues to grow, Mark, Fiona, Fynn and Poppy are an essential part of the full-time farm as well.
The proposal is for a new, exemplary, flexible, economical, sustainable, expressive Agricultural Workers’ Dwelling & Vineyard Cafe building, best located to mix the developing farm enterprise and young family living into this working rural landscape.
Service: Architects with Kay Pilsbury Thomas Architects
Location: Great Sampford, Essex
Client: Mark, Fiona, Finn and Poppy
Cost: Undisclosed
Areas: XX m2
Dates: 2014
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