Five star

Woodhouse Farm, Rivenhall, Essex

An agricultural complex comprising five buildings in and around a 15C moat, all in various states of disrepair next to the Rivenhall World War 2 airbase, recently the site of a large quarry. A timber framed 15C Grade II Listed Farmhouse and nearby Brewhouse, a 19C brick Cottage, a post-war steel-framed High Barn and an all-but collapsed Feed Barn.

With the buildings still standing fully restored to a habitable state, the complex will be open to the public as a Visitors Centre for the nearby IWMF ~ Integrated Waste Management Facility, currently being constructed in a very big purpose-dug hole in the ground just to the south of the farm, and a museum of local farming showcasing the traditional structures themselves as the principle exhibits, particularly the Brewhouse and Farmhouse, whose historic uses are unique to the area.

The High Barn is a breezeblock and steel frame with corrugated cement-based cladding to the upper walls and roof and a lean-to wood and brick framed shed on its shorter southern end. This lean-to shed will be fully restored and, reflected about its existing ridge line, will be complemented by a brand new cousin, to double its capacity for use as a community workshop for the charitable organisation, Men’s Sheds, which aims to improve wellbeing, reduce loneliness and combat social isolation. The Reflected Workshop is clad in corrugated sheets made from hemp fibre, drawing on the agricultural nature of the site but with a fully renewable material.

The Feed Barn’s brick plinth walls are restored to form in its historic plan shape a wildflower meadow. The Farmhouse will be offices for the IWMF admin teams together with the early-bird Information Hub building, a KPT SCABAL quick-win project,  currently in use overlooking and monitoring the vast IWMF construction site.

Service: Architects RIBA Stages 1-6

Location: Rivenhall, Essex

Client: Indaver UK Ltd.

Cost: TBC

Areas: xx m2

Dates: 2021~

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